Self-test: Is the course "Head of social and socio-medical organizations (AFPE)" (formerly head of institution/head of home) the right one for me?

A head of a social and socio-medical organization with a federal diploma (former head of an institution) talks to an employee.

Test here whether a job as a manager of social and socio-medical organizations suits you and whether a preparatory course for the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) is right for you.

Note: The titles "Head of care home" and "Head of institution in the social and socio-medical sector" were abolished in 2011 and 2023.


What does the day-to-day work of managers of social and socio-medical organizations with a federal diploma look like?

Managers of social and socio-medical organizations (AFPE) (formerly heads of institutions in the social and socio-medical sector/heads of homes) can take over the management of a social and socio-medical organization/institution such as a home, sheltered workshop, day care centre/care facility or Spitex organization. They plan, manage and are responsible for all activities for children and young people, people with disabilities, the elderly and other target groups.

Management tasks also include finances and the budget, responsibility for maintaining the infrastructure and compliance with guidelines and laws. Managers of social and socio-medical organizations are appointed by the board of directors, administrative board or foundation board. They are accountable to the board for, among other things, the fulfillment of the mission (overall services, ethical guidelines and the framework conditions of the offer as well as quality) and for ensuring smooth operations (finances, human resources, marketing, infrastructure, etc.).

They also recruit new employees, train and develop them, plan their deployment and support the team leaders in their management tasks.

(Note: The distribution of tasks (weighting and frequency) can vary greatly depending on the task profile/job profile and type of company).

Question 1:

Do the activities described meet your expectations? Would you like to work as a manager of social and socio-medical organizations (formerly an institution manager in the social and socio-medical sector)?

Target group and skills: Who is the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) to become a head of social and socio-medical organizations with a federal diploma suitable for? What qualities and skills are required?

The course and the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) to become a "Head of social and socio-medical organizations" (formerly Head of Institutions in the social and socio-medical sector/Heimleiter) are suitable for

  • Professionals who have personnel management functions in the social sector
  • Professionals who have leadership functions with strategic management tasks in the social sector
  • Professionals who manage a unit or an entire company in the nursing, social or socio-medical sector
  • Professionals who wish to prepare for the management of a company or unit in the nursing, social or socio-medical sector

Managers of social and socio-medical organizations should have the following personal qualities and skills:

  • Enjoy working with people
  • High social competence
  • Resilience and flexibility
  • Communication skills
  • Assertiveness
  • Critical faculties
  • Organizational talent
  • Leadership strength

Question 2:

Do you belong to one of the target groups for this continuing education, further training and do you have the necessary personal qualities?

Requirements for admission to the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) for heads of social and socio-medical organizations:

Persons who fulfill the following conditions by the time of the examination date or examination registration are admitted to the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) for Purchasing Managers:

  • Federal Diploma of Higher Education as a team leader in social and socio-medical organizations (FPE), tertiary degree or equivalent qualification in social and health care and at least three years of professional experience in social and socio-medical organizations


  • Tertiary degree or equivalent qualification and at least 3 years of professional experience in social and socio-medical organizations and required industry knowledge


  • Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (VET Diploma) in social and healthcare services or equivalent qualification and at least 5 years of professional experience in social or socio-medical organizations


  • Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training (VET Diploma) or equivalent and at least 5 years of professional experience in social or socio-medical organizations and the required industry knowledge


  • Three years of management experience in the social or healthcare sector at least at team management level and evidence of managing an entire division of an organization in the social or healthcare sector

As well as

  • Federal Diploma of Higher Education as a team leader in social and socio-medical organizations or proof of competence in modules* 1, 2, 3 and double module 4/5 as well as modules 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or the corresponding certificates of equivalence

You will find out whether you have been admitted to the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) at least three months before the start of the examination with a written notification including reasons in the event of rejection.

Note: Some schools are also prepared to admit you to a preparatory course for the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) for heads of social and socio-medical organizations (formerly heads of institutions in the social and socio-medical sector/heads of homes) if you do not (yet) meet the criteria for admission to the federal examination. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet the necessary requirements at the time of the examination/examination registration. At some schools, it is also possible to attend the course without the intention of taking an examination. Admission requirements vary depending on the provider.


* Modules:

  • Module 1: Leading yourself
  • Module 2: Leading others
  • Module 3: Planning and ensuring team organization
  • Double module 4/5: Setting goals and ensuring quality
  • Module 6: Developing leadership
  • Module 7: Shaping human resources; managing marketing and communication
  • Module 8: Developing organization and quality
  • Module 9: Managing finances and ensuring infrastructure
  • Module 10: Shaping strategies

Question 3:

Do you meet the requirements for admission?

Subject matter and content of continuing education, further training

The content taught in the preparatory courses for the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) for heads of social and socio-medical organizations (formerly heads of institutions in the social and socio-medical sector/heads of homes) is based on the requirements of the bodies responsible for the federal examination: Agogis, Tertianum Group, ARTISET - Swiss Association of Homes and Institutions, Vahs Association for Anthroposophical Curative Education and Social Therapy, Association Spitex privée ASPS, Swiss Childcare Association kibesuisse, Swiss Leaders.

They are responsible for drawing up the examination regulations and periodically reviewing them to ensure that they are up to date and of high quality.

The learning material consists of the following topics, among others:

  • Goal-oriented leadership in a team
  • Understanding of leadership and leadership behavior
  • Teamwork: organization and quality
  • Leading yourself and others
  • Team development and cooperation
  • Plan, implement and evaluate management tasks
  • Finance and accounting
  • HR/Personnel Management
  • Normative and strategic management

Question 4:

Are you interested in this content, would you like to acquire knowledge in these subject areas?

Costs and financing of continuing education, further training

The costs vary depending on the provider (apart from the examination fee, which is set by the responsible body of the AFPE). In general, the following costs must be expected for the 3-4 semester part-time course to become a manager of social and socio-medical organizations (formerly an institution manager in the social and socio-medical sector/head of a care home):

  • Course feesbetween CHF 11,000 and CHF 16,000, of which you will receive around 50% back from the federal government after the examination (regardless of the result)*.
  • External examination feesCHF 1,600 (as of March 2023) The examination fee is set by the responsible body of this AFPE or course. It is paid by the candidate after admission has been confirmed.
  • Extra costs:At some schools, the costs for teaching materials, training documents and simulation exams, for example, are not included in the course fees. Additional costs must also be expected for any preliminary courses, such as in finance and accounting.

Please contact the provider of your choice directly to find out what additional costs you can expect.

*Since 1.1.2018, preparatory courses for Federal Professional Examination (FPE) and Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) have been financially supported by the federal government. Graduates of these courses will therefore be reimbursed up to 50% (max. CHF 9,500 for FPE, max. CHF 10,500 for AFPE) of the course costs paid upon application after taking the federal examinations. In exceptional cases of hardship, the federal contributions are also paid out in advance.

Question 5:

Are you able to pre-finance around CHF 12,600 - CHF 17,600 for the course and exam?

Duration of study, number of lessons and learning effort

  • Training to become a manager of social and socio-medical organizations (formerly an institution manager in the social and socio-medical sector/head of a care home) has a modular structure with a final examination and lasts 3-4 semesters, depending on the provider.
  • The course is offered at different times. These time variants are determined independently by the respective schools, so there may be differences.
  • Many schools offer a mix of face-to-face and online courses (online, hybrid teaching, blended learning) as well as self-study. You can therefore choose the format that allows you to combine continuing education, further training with family, work and leisure in the best possible way.
  • Thanks to the extra-occupational concept of continuing education, further training, you can apply and deepen your knowledge immediately in practice. Nevertheless, you should allow sufficient time for preparation and follow-up of the lessons and for self-study - how much depends on your prior knowledge, working style and learning speed. We recommend that you allow at least 4-6 hours per week as a precaution.

Note: Some schools offer so-called "taster lessons". This gives you the opportunity to gain an insight into the lessons and the learning atmosphere. Important aspects on the way to a successful graduation. It is best to contact the school of your choice directly for a taster lesson.

Question 6:

Can you find the time for lessons and self-study?

Degree, diploma and title

The Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) for heads of social and socio-medical organizations (formerly heads of institutions in the social and socio-medical sector/heads of care homes) is held once a year if at least 20 candidates meet the admission requirements, otherwise at least every two years. It is possible to take the examination in one of the three official languages German, French or Italian.

Candidates are notified at least 4 weeks before the start of the examination. The invitation includes the examination program (place and time of the examination) and the list of experts.

The Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) comprises the following three examination parts (type of examination, time)

1. diploma project (written, prepared in advance)

In this part of the examination, candidates document the planning, implementation and reflection of a complex project in their organization/company. The focus should be on their own leadership role and function. Relevant specialist literature should also be referred to in this regard.

2. case study with technical discussion

On the basis of a given complex management problem in a social and socio-medical organization, the candidates develop individual proposals for solutions. They then present their solutions in group discussions. They then develop a joint solution approach. The candidates then reflect on their contributions and the joint decision-making process from a specialist and management perspective.

a) in groups of three (oral, 110 minutes)

b) in groups of four (oral, 130 minutes)

3. simulated management situation with technical discussion (oral, 90 minutes)

In this part of the examination, candidates develop a procedure for solving a given strategy-relevant problem in a social or socio-medical organization. Candidates then present this solution in the subsequent simulated interview sequence in a manner appropriate to the situation. In the subsequent technical discussion, the candidates justify their approach to the experts.


Diploma and title

Successful graduates of the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) receive a federal diploma and are entitled to use the federally recognized and protected title "Certified Head of Social and Sociomedical Organizations".

In French: "Directrice d'organisations sociales et médico-sociales diplômée / Directeur d'organisations sociales et médico-sociales diplômé"

In Italian: "Direttrice diplomata / Direttore diplomato d'organizzazioni sociali e medico-sociali"

In English (This is only a recommendation/translation and not a protected title): "Social Manager, Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education"

Question 7:

Do you have the confidence to pass the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE)?