Degree, diploma and title
The Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) for heads of social and socio-medical organizations (formerly heads of institutions in the social and socio-medical sector/heads of care homes) is held once a year if at least 20 candidates meet the admission requirements, otherwise at least every two years. It is possible to take the examination in one of the three official languages German, French or Italian.
Candidates are notified at least 4 weeks before the start of the examination. The invitation includes the examination program (place and time of the examination) and the list of experts.
The Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) comprises the following three examination parts (type of examination, time)
1. diploma project (written, prepared in advance)
In this part of the examination, candidates document the planning, implementation and reflection of a complex project in their organization/company. The focus should be on their own leadership role and function. Relevant specialist literature should also be referred to in this regard.
2. case study with technical discussion
On the basis of a given complex management problem in a social and socio-medical organization, the candidates develop individual proposals for solutions. They then present their solutions in group discussions. They then develop a joint solution approach. The candidates then reflect on their contributions and the joint decision-making process from a specialist and management perspective.
a) in groups of three (oral, 110 minutes)
b) in groups of four (oral, 130 minutes)
3. simulated management situation with technical discussion (oral, 90 minutes)
In this part of the examination, candidates develop a procedure for solving a given strategy-relevant problem in a social or socio-medical organization. Candidates then present this solution in the subsequent simulated interview sequence in a manner appropriate to the situation. In the subsequent technical discussion, the candidates justify their approach to the experts.
Diploma and title
Successful graduates of the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) receive a federal diploma and are entitled to use the federally recognized and protected title "Certified Head of Social and Sociomedical Organizations".
In French: "Directrice d'organisations sociales et médico-sociales diplômée / Directeur d'organisations sociales et médico-sociales diplômé"
In Italian: "Direttrice diplomata / Direttore diplomato d'organizzazioni sociali e medico-sociali"
In English (This is only a recommendation/translation and not a protected title): "Social Manager, Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education"