Wage increase after completing the art therapy course to become an "Art therapist (AFPE)"

The individual salary increase after completing the Federal Professional Examination in Art Therapy to become an art therapist with a federal diploma is very difficult to estimate and depends on various criteria such as the region of work, the industry, the employer, professional experience and age. Take a look at our salary calculation example for art therapists (AFPE).

It features a 35-year-old theater painter in the canton of Uri who is studying to become an art therapist (AFPE).

This is how you proceed: Click on "Salarium - statistical salary calculator" below and then on the "Calculate salary" button

  • Step 1: Enter your region / place of work (e.g. Central Switzerland)
  • Step 2: Enter the sector in which you (will) work as an instructor (e.g. 90)
  • Step 3: Enter "Instructor FA" under occupational group, then the following appears: 23 teachers
  • Step 4: Position in the company - Select "Without management function"
  • Step 5: Weekly hours 42
  • Step 6: Training: enter your previous training here. In the example, we have used "Completed vocational training"
  • Step 7: Enter your age (e.g. 35)
  • Step 8: Enter the company size of the employer you are hoping for (in the example we have taken 50 or more employees)
  • Step 9: Enter the other optional details (in the example: 0 years of service, 13th monthly salary (converted proportionately to 12 salaries), no special payments and monthly salary)

Source:"Federal Statistical Office, FSO"

Note: This sample calculation is based on data from Salarium (end of 2024). Information can be foundhere. A list of other payroll calculator tools is availablehere.

The example salary in our calculation is CHF 5,659 per month.

Now go back to "Industry" and select "86 Healthcare" and "Occupational group" and select "22 Academic and allied healthcare professions" and under "Position in company" select "Lower management" and under "Training" select "Higher vocational training". This results in a new average salary of CHF 7,846.

Please note: The figures you receive here are statistical averages. This means that your actual future salary may differ slightly - but you can get an idea of where it will be.

Another example of an art therapist with a federal diploma: CHF 1.30 million more salary until retirement

Anna works as a specialist in psychiatric nursing and care in a psychiatric clinic in Frauenfeld. The 24-year-old really enjoys her work providing care and support to people with a mental health impairment. Together with the clients, Anna shapes their everyday lives and supports them in dealing with the individual effects of their illness. Over the years, she has developed a deep understanding of the lives of people with mental health impairments. Anna demonstrates empathy, high resilience and good communication skills in her work. In her private life, she balances out her sometimes stressful work by dancing or painting. Anna would also like to use her artistic interest and creativity professionally. She is convinced that she could use artistic means to support her work in psychiatric care in a meaningful way. Anna would like to complete continuing education, further training as an art therapist in order to accompany and support people during change processes, crises and illnesses with art therapy. Art should activate the resources and self-healing powers of her clients and promote their self-awareness, creativity and personal development. Anna wants to teach mentally ill people how to deal creatively with their problems through images, music, dance, poetry, theater and new media. By completing the art therapy course, she would like to specialize in intermedia therapy in the field of psychiatry. After obtaining her federal diploma, Anna would like to use the appropriate artistic medium for the client and reflect on the results together with them. This enables her to create an interest and a sense of community in order to facilitate a successful relationship with mental health problems. After completing the Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE), Anna has increased her market value and salary, as well as numerous new opportunities for further development in the future.

Financial benefits of continuing education, further training as an art therapist

As an art therapist, Anna will receive CHF 3,074 more per month than before and will therefore have at least CHF 1.30 million more at her disposal by the time she retires than if she had not taken this continuing education, further training and Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE).

As this theoretical calculation does not take into account any further salary increases, promotions or interest on savings, the salary can still increase significantly.

Calculation in detail

Continuing education, further training art therapist AFPE:

  • 5 years, part-time
  • School fees, documents: CHF 39,670 minus CHF 10,500 federal contribution = CHF 29,170
  • Exam fee: CHF 2'600
  • Total training costs: CHF 31,770

Wage difference and yield calculation:

  • Difference in salary between the position as a specialist in psychiatric nursing and care and the position as an art therapist: CHF 9,086 - CHF 6,012 = CHF 3,074 per month and CHF 36,888 per year (12 x CHF 3,074 = CHF 36,888)
  • She recoups the entire training costs of CHF 31,770 in just over 10 months with her higher salary as an art therapist (CHF 31,770/ CHF 3,074 per month = 10.3 months)
  • In the remaining 36 years until their retirement (29 to 65), this additional income will add up to CHF 1,327,968 (36 x CHF 36,888 = CHF 1,327,968)
  • If the training costs are deducted from this additional income, an additional sum of around CHF 1,300,000 remains at its disposal(CHF 1'327'968 - CHF 31'770 = CHF 1'296'198)


  • The training costs correspond to an average of the courses offered for art therapists (AFPE) in German-speaking Switzerland.
  • Wages were calculated in the federal wage calculator www.salarium.ch with the following settings:
  • Calculations Specialist in psychiatric nursing and carewith Federal Professional Examination before Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE):
    • Region: Eastern Switzerland
    • Industry: 86 Healthcare
    • Occupational group: 32 Healthcare assistants
    • Position in the company: Level 5 without management function
    • Hours per week: 42 hours
    • Education: Higher vocational training
    • Age: 24 years
    • Years of service: not specified
    • Company size: 50 and more employees
    • 12/13 monthly salary: 13 monthly salary (converted pro rata to 12 salaries)
    • Special payments: no
    • Monthly / hourly wage: Monthly wage
    • Result:Central value (median) ofCHF 6'012
  • Calculationsafter the Advanced Federal Professional Examination in Art Therapy (AFPE):
    • Region: Eastern Switzerland
    • Industry: 86 Healthcare
    • Occupational group: 22 Academic and allied health professions
    • Position in the company: Level 1+2 Upper and middle management
    • Hours per week: 42 hours
    • Education: Higher vocational training
    • Age: 29 years
    • Years of service: not specified
    • Company size: 50 and more employees
    • 12/13 monthly salary: 13 monthly salary (converted pro rata to 12 salaries)
    • Special payments: no
    • Monthly / hourly wage: Monthly wage
    • Result:Central value (median) ofCHF 9'086

(All figures as at November 2022)

Click on the banner below to access the federal wage calculator.

Salarium - Statistischer Lohnrechner

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Provider of art therapy courses "Art therapist (AFPE)"