PR specialist: training, further training, overview of schools, self-test

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PR specialist (BP): At the center of public relations work

As a public relations specialist (BP), you will work in institutional communications, i.e. public relations. In your daily work as a PR specialist, you will be involved in a wide range of multifaceted tasks relating to corporate communications. You will develop communication concepts, plan and implement communication tools and measures. You will write and edit target group-specific content for offline and online channels, etc. You always pursue the goal of maintaining or improving the image of a company or organization and thus create a basis for the company's success.

The part-time courses last approximately one year and efficiently prepare students for the federal professional examination. The subject matter covers all the knowledge and skills required for a qualified job in the field of public relations. Since 2019, a MarKom certificate examination is no longer required for admission.

In our information, tips and tests you can find out more about the requirements, content, costs, duration etc. of the professional examination to become a PR specialist with a federal PET diploma.

Self-test "PR specialist with federal certificate": Is this course the right one for me?

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Checklist «Finding the right further training» » download here

Checklist «Choosing the right school» » download here

PR specialist: Advancing in public relations with practical knowledge

Do you already work in advertising, PR, communications, marketing or sales and are interested in a federally recognized further training course to become a PR specialist? Would you like to (co-)develop and implement new public relations strategies and concepts in a communications agency, PR agency or a communications department of a company, institution or organization? Are you interested in making a significant contribution to the image of a company and being able to maintain and promote its reputation and trust with the target group and contact persons?

Then a course to prepare for the professional examination to become a PR specialist with a federal certificate is ideal for you.

This type of further training for public relations specialists usually lasts a year and offers you the opportunity to acquire sound practical knowledge of operational PR, social media, writing and editing, media relations and internal communication concepts.

Since 2019, the new examination regulations mean that a MarKom certificate examination is no longer required for admission to the PR specialist professional examination. However, at least two years of professional experience in the fields of PR, marketing communications, corporate communications, direct marketing, sales or journalism is required for admission. You can find out which training requirements apply in our self-test. You will find the link to the test at the top of this page.

If you are convinced by this further education course leading to a federal qualification, you can contact the provider of your choice using the inquiry form and reserve one of the coveted course places. If you are still unsure whether the further education course is really the right one for you, you can order the free, online and non-binding course brochures from the respective school. Alternatively, you can also arrange a personal consultation and receive individual advice on the Public Relations Specialist with Federal Certificate course.

Questions and answers

In general, professional experience of at least two years is required for admission to the Federal Diploma of Higher Education in PR, but not necessarily and exclusively in public relations. In addition to PR, professional experience can also be gained in an area of marketing, direct marketing, sales, marketing communications or journalism.

The part-time courses to prepare for the Federal Diploma of Higher Education (FA) in PR can vary depending on the provider. One such
In most cases, however, a PR course lasts around one year. However, ask the training provider of your choice about the specific duration of the course.

The tasks of a public relations specialist are as follows:

  • contribute to the development of overall communication concepts
  • independently develop sub-concepts
  • plan and implement communication tools and measures
  • Order processing with suppliers and specialists as well as internal contacts
  • Preparing cost, deadline and quality controls in connection with the design and production of communication materials and communication measures

A public relations specialist contributes to the promotion of awareness, reputation and thus to the healthy growth of a company, organization or institution. They support the adherence to and further development of internal guidelines (corporate social responsibility, CSR, compliance, etc.) and adhere to the rules of ethical communication behavior in accordance with industry codes.

The professional examination "PR Specialist with Federal Certificate" consists of a total of four parts. These are taken either in writing or orally as a federal examination. The federal examination for PR specialists consists of the written examination part "Fundamentals of ethics, law, economics, business administration and society" and "Conceptual and strategic foundations", which has a weighting of 20%.

The second written part of the exam deals with the topics "Measures and channels" and is weighted at 30%. The third written part of the examination deals with "Content: Writing and editing" and is weighted at 20%. Finally, the skills are tested orally in the fourth part of the examination. This fourth part of the examination is weighted at 30%.

The following prior education is required for the PR specialist examination:

  • Completed basic training as a commercial clerk EFZ


  • Federal baccalaureate certificate


  • Diploma from a state-recognized commercial school or at least 3 years of technical secondary school, higher technical school, university of applied sciences or university


  • Federal certificate as a communications specialist, marketing specialist, sales specialist or direct marketing specialist


  • at least 2 years of professional experience in the fields of public relations, corporate communications, marketing communications, marketing, active sales, direct marketing or journalism

Public relations professionals should have the following personal requirements:

  • Communication skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Service awareness

If you have these qualities, it makes sense to attend a PR training course.

The following further training courses can be completed after the PR specialist training:

  • Higher professional examination for the federal diploma as a PR consultant or marketing manager
  • With a vocational baccalaureate: Communication studies at a university of applied sciences in the field of journalism/organizational communication
  • With qualified professional and management experience (admission "sur dossier"): Postgraduate studies
  • University of Applied Sciences MAS Business Communications or MAS Digital Marketing and Communications Management or EMBA Business Administration - Communication Management

No. For admission to the Federal Professional Examination (FPE) for PR specialists with a Federal Diploma of Higher Education, a successfully completed MarKom certificate examination is no longer mandatory from the 2019 examination year.

A PR specialist with a federal certificate is employed in a communications department of companies, institutions, organizations or NGOs as well as in PR agencies. There they work on the development of concepts or certain parts of them, plan their implementation and carry them out. They contribute their specialist knowledge to the conceptual work and implement PR measures and media editorially and technically.

A PR specialist is also responsible for planning, processing and monitoring suppliers. He/she also carries out deadline, quality and cost controls as part of the production and design of PR media and measures.

Tips, tests and information on "Public Relations Specialist (BP)" (PR Specialist)

Is public relations (PR) really my vocation?
» Test Appointment Public Relations (PR)
How well known is the qualification "Public Relations Specialist (BP)"?
» Awareness and image
What salary can I expect after completing the "PR Specialist (BP)" course?
» Wage information, wage calculator
What do I learn in the preparation courses? How can I use the knowledge professionally?
» Skills and competencies
How long does further training to become a "Public Relations Specialist (BP)" take, how does it work and how much does it cost?
» Training duration and further training costs for "PR Specialist (BP)"
What opportunities does the training/degree open up for me?
» Prospects and further training opportunities
What personal experiences have previous participants had with the course?
» Evaluation of training / experience
Is the "Public Relations Specialist (BP)" course the right one for me?
» Self-test for the course
What are the advantages of the "PR Specialist (BP)" course?
» 10 advantages
Job profiles in the fields of communication, marketing and sales. Guide with detailed descriptions of training and further education courses
» Compendium / Educational Guide Marketing, Communication and Sales
How can I finance my continuing education? How can I benefit from federal subject funding?
» SERI Federal contributions for continuing education for professional examinations and higher professional examinations
What is required of professionals in the PR job? How are the activities divided up?
» Information from job advertisements

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Warum Bildungsportal mit top Service für Bildungsinteressenten»

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  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.

Here you can find schools in your region that offer preparatory courses for PR specialists with a federal certificate:

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Effingerstrasse 70
3001 Bern
WKS KV Education - Continuing education
WKS KV Bildung offers market-driven and attractive continuing education courses in the areas of management & leadership, finance & controlling, marketing, PR & sales as well as HR, personnel management & social insurance.
Strengths: - High-quality educational opportunities - Innovative "Learning Path+" - Personal orientation and support - Dedicated teaching staff - Practical training and follow-up opportunities - Interactive methodology
Region: Bern
Sites: Bern
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
ISO 29990 ProCert
Kaufmännischer Verband Bern
KV Bildungsgruppe Schweiz
Quadratscha 18
7503 Samedan
College of Higher Education for Tourism & Management, Engadin
College of Higher Education for Tourism & Management

Would you like to pursue a career in tourism while leaving your options open in other sectors? Then studying at the College of Higher Education for Tourism & Management in Samedan is just right for you. We prepare you for management positions in tourism, marketing, public relations and/or event management.
The College of Higher Education for Tourism & Management has been known for over 30 years for its highly practice-oriented training and is popular with partners for hiring graduates after their studies.
Benefit from studying where others go on vacation. You can live on campus in Samedan and become part of the local CHE community. In your free time, ski slopes, cross-country ski trails, hiking trails, bike trails and swimming opportunities in mountain lakes are right on your doorstep. As a CHE Tourism & Management student, you have access to many benefits.
Strengths: A practical course that I was able to tailor to my needs - recommended for all budding tourism professionals
Region: Ostschweiz
Sites: Samedan
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Cambridge English
ISO 9001 2015
Swiss Marketing
Swiss Olympic

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung