Duration and teaching formats
The part-time certificate course in marketing and sales usually lasts between one and two semesters. This depends entirely on the time model offered by the respective school. The following two models are usually available:
Some schools now also offer intensive courses that only last six months and the lessons are attended one day a week.
Furthermore, many schools offer different teaching formats from which you can choose the one that suits you best: Face-to-face teaching, online teaching, hybrid teaching, blended learning.
The content taught is broken down into "learning fields", which are tested at the end with a final examination. This takes place internally (school's own certificate) and/or externally (edupool certificate) as appropriate
The following costs are to be expected for the Marketing and Sales Clerk course:
Federal contributions:Depending on this, the Marketing and Sales Specialist edupool training course may be accepted as a preparatory course for the Federal Professional Examination. This means that if, after completing the edupool certificate, you go on to obtain the Federal Diploma of Higher Education for Marketing or Sales Specialists within seven years and have not yet received any cantonal contributions for your Marketing and Sales Specialist edupool continuing education, you will be reimbursed 50% of the course costs paid (max. CHF 9,500) by the federal government.Find out more here.
Provider with training courses for marketing and sales clerks with edupool certificate