Sales Specialist (FPE) (formerly Sales Coordinator (FPE))  (Region Zentralschweiz):
10 Provider

Eine Verkaufsfachfrau im Kundengespräch
Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau (BP)
Karriere-Sprungbrett im Verkaufsbereich
Preview of the video «Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau (BP)»
Preview of the video «Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau (BP)»
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Training providers in your region

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Aarauerstrasse 30
4601 Olten
Adult Education Center EBZ Olten
(5.3) Very good 338 338 Ratings (91% )
Strengths: Qualified lecturers from the professional world, targeted knowledge transfer, modern infrastructure, Art. 32 catch-up training in classes with adults only, easily accessible.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Zentralschweiz
Sites: Olten
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Cambridge English
EFQM 2020
kv edupool
Andreasstrasse 15
8050 Zürich
HSO Business and Computer Science School
HSO's range of training courses is deliberately wide-ranging - so we can offer you the opportunity for lifelong learning. Our training and further education courses are intelligent, cleverly thought out and networked. Wherever you start and successfully complete your training with us, we offer you the connection to your next further education goal. HSO's educational offerings range from federal certificates of proficiency, professional certificates, diplomas and postgraduate diplomas to European-recognized Bachelor's courses and globally accredited Master's courses.
Strengths: Over 60 years of experience | 10 locations | 4 starts per year | Direct application in your own practice | Personal support | Lecturers are specialists | State-of-the-art teaching methods
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baar, Basel, Bern, Luzern, Rapperswil, Solothurn, Thun, Zürich Altstetten, Zürich Oerlikon
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
examen CH
Winkelriedstrasse 35
6003 Luzern
SIMAKOM Management College
(5.4) Very good 19 19 Ratings (94% )
Strengths: Sensational success rates - Specialized technical school - Highest efficiency: The perfect mix of virtual and face-to-face teaching - Lecturers from the field - Central locations -
Region: Aargau, Zentralschweiz
Sites: Luzern, Rotkreuz, Sursee, Zofingen
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden
Swiss Marketing
Andreasstrasse 15
8050 Zürich
HSO Business and Computer Science School
HSO's range of training courses is deliberately wide-ranging - so we can offer you the opportunity for lifelong learning. Our training and further education courses are intelligent, cleverly thought out and networked. Wherever you start and successfully complete your training with us, we offer you the connection to your next further education goal. HSO's educational offerings range from federal certificates of proficiency, professional certificates, diplomas and postgraduate diplomas to European-recognized Bachelor's courses and globally accredited Master's courses.
Strengths: Over 60 years of experience | 10 locations | 4 starts per year | Direct application in your own practice | Personal support | Lecturers are specialists | State-of-the-art teaching methods
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baar, Basel, Bern, Luzern, Rapperswil, Solothurn, Thun, Zürich Altstetten, Zürich Oerlikon
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
examen CH
Landenbergstrasse 37
6005 Luzern
KV Luzern Berufsakademie
Strengths: THE largest business competence center in Central Switzerland - high success rates - 400 lecturers from the business world - 100 courses - learn today - apply tomorrow - central location
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Luzern
Next start date Next info event
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
KV Bildungsgruppe Schweiz
kv edupool
Aabachstrasse 7
6300 Zug
KBZ – Kaufmännisches Bildungszentrum Zug
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Zug
Next start date Next info event
Aarauerstrasse 30
4601 Olten
Adult Education Center EBZ Olten
(5.3) Very good 338 338 Ratings (91% )
Strengths: Qualified lecturers from the professional world, targeted knowledge transfer, modern infrastructure, Art. 32 catch-up training in classes with adults only, easily accessible.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Zentralschweiz
Sites: Olten
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Cambridge English
EFQM 2020
kv edupool
Feldmühlestr. 28
9400 Rorschach
WZR Rorschach-Rhine Valley
(5.2) Very good 18 18 Ratings (100% )
Strengths: ▪ Over 50 courses ▪ Wide range of online courses ▪ Lecturers with practical experience ▪ Personal support & pleasant learning atmosphere ▪ Top success rates compared to other Swiss universities ▪ Good accessibility
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Rorschach, Altstätten, St. Gallen
Next start date Next info event
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Cambridge English
kv edupool
Winkelriedstrasse 35
6003 Luzern
SIMAKOM Management College
(5.4) Very good 19 19 Ratings (94% )
Strengths: Sensational success rates - Specialized technical school - Highest efficiency: The perfect mix of virtual and face-to-face teaching - Lecturers from the field - Central locations -
Region: Aargau, Zentralschweiz
Sites: Luzern, Rotkreuz, Sursee, Zofingen
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden
Swiss Marketing
Industriestrasse 78
4600 Olten
WSF Business School Five
(5.7) Excellent 42 42 Ratings (100% )
Strengths: Your 5 advantages: Learning success in small classes | experts as lecturers | 95% success rate in federal examinations | blended learning - flexible teaching mix | continuing education, further training with quality since 1994
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Bern, Solothurn, Olten, Basel, Baden, Zürich, Winterthur, Zug, Luzern, Sursee
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
examen CH
ICT Berufsbildung
Swiss Marketing
Baarerstrasse 137
6302 Zug
Preview of the video «Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau (BP)»
Preview of the video «Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau (BP)»
Art of Formation – Weiterbildung WBA AG
(5.3) Very good 39 39 Ratings (97% )
Strengths: + Guided online lessons: proven, successful, high completion rates + Half-yearly start spring/autumn + Small class guarantee of 5 - 15 participants + Course price guarantee with 50% subsidy
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Egerkingen, Emmenbrücke, Geführter ONLINE-UNTERRICHT, Muri bei Bern, Muttenz, Spiez, St. Gallen, Winterthur, Zürich
Next start date Next info event
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden
Vulkanstrasse 106
8048 Zürich
BBS/BVS Business School - Teil der Benedict Education Group
BBS/BVS Business-School - Your career is our mission. With our continuing education, further training courses, we enable you to take on new and challenging tasks and increase your position and thus your job satisfaction. Trust in tradition - dare to innovate.
Strengths: All-inclusive prices (excluding external exams), Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu or Saturday classes, above-average exam results, centrally located. Free parking (Zurich), free preliminary courses.
Region: Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Zürich, Bern, Luzern, St. Gallen
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Hirschengraben 43
6003 Luzern
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Virtuelles Klassenzimmer, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Online
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Questions and answers asked those interested in sales specialist training or sales specialist training with a professional examination. A total of 41% said that their interest in individual training institutes came from online reviews. On the other hand, 31 % choose schools for their training inquiry based on a recommendation. 28% of survey participants ask schools for detailed information about the course because they already know them. This also shows how helpful online evaluations of schools are for the choice of sales specialist training, which is why many evaluations of schools are also integrated on the education platform Based on additional text responses, we learned further reasons from prospective students for enquiring about schools: "is close to home", "due to school times", "came across it via social media", "location", "because the training here is 3 semesters instead of 2 and it starts this year in October", "well located", "came across it by chance", "good and clear homepage" and "because it may be in Italian".

In a survey on continuing education, further training as a sales specialist, 93% of respondents stated that they had received more pay in the first one to two years after completing the course. For just over half of the respondents, this was a 1-10% increase in salary, 27% received an 11-20% increase and 13% even received a salary increase of 21 to 30%. These figures clearly show that a training measure is generally also financially worthwhile, not to mention the newly acquired personal and professional skills and abilities. This result is also underpinned by further education expert Therese E. Zimmermann. She states that continuing education, further training to become a sales specialist usually results in a wage increase of around 5 to 20 percent. (About the study)

Trained sales specialists have the following professional skills:

  • Create sales concepts tailored to the company
  • Carry out sales processes and sales checks
  • Create customer quotations
  • Conducting customer meetings and negotiations
  • Handling customer service and complaints
  • Plan and implement sales activities
  • Collect, analyze and incorporate market information
  • Realizing market performance and quality assurance
  • Plan, network, implement and monitor communication tools
  • Design of strategic and operational distribution
  • Entering into partnerships
  • Optimize distribution processes
  • use efficient working techniques and methodological skills
  • Project management knowledge
  • Network management

The following personal requirements are necessary for the sales certificate:

  • analytical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Sociability
  • Negotiating skills

Tips, tests and information on the "Sales Specialist with Federal Diploma of Higher Education" course

Is sales really my vocation?
» Self-test vocation sales
How well known is the course and what is its image among potential employers?
» Awareness and image
What wage increase can be expected after completing the "Sales Specialist" course?
» Wage information, wage calculator
What will I be able to do after completing the course? What will I gain from continuing education, further training?
» Skills and prospects for sales specialists

Infographic "Sales training and further education"

Find the right educational level and qualification immediately with!

Do you know your options for training or further education in the field of sales? We will show you where you stand in the Swiss education system and what higher levels and qualifications are available.

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Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Educational counseling online

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Experiences, evaluations and opinions on training/continuing education, further training

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Infos & Tipps zum Lehrgang Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau mit Eidg. Fachausweis»
Preview of the video «Eidg. FA Detailhandelsspezialist / Detailhandelsspezialistin vs. Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau»
Preview of the video «Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau (BP)»
Preview of the video «Warum Bildungsportal mit top Service für Bildungsinteressenten»
Preview of the video «Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau: 6 Vorteile, 4 Nachteile»
Preview of the video «Verkaufsfachmann / Verkaufsfachfrau: 6 Vorteile, 4 Nachteile»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.