What are the disadvantages of the Job Coach work integration training?
After completing the Job Coach Work Integration training, you will be able to support people with difficult access to the job market in their job search. The aim of your work is the sustainable integration of the people you support into the open labor market.
The main disadvantages of the Job Coach work integration training are:
- As the Job Coach Work Integration training usually takes place over a period of about one year, the time budget must be well organized.
- The qualification is not yet widely known among employers, as it has not been around for as long as other professional qualifications. However, the federal certificates are generally very well recognized in the business world and a regulated training course with a federal qualification is a clear advantage, especially in the opaque coaching sector.
- Coaching means accompanying people without unconsciously bringing your own likes and dislikes, moods and needs into a situation. This requires empathy and social skills. You help others to recognize and solve their problems themselves, which often requires patient restraint. However, sociability, communication skills, resilience and organizational skills are important. Are you really the right person for this job?
- The pressure of the annual federal final exams is high, but you are well prepared for them during the Job Coach Work Integration training. There are regular learning checks and mock exams.
Job coaches for work integration mainly carry out their work in the office and in meeting rooms. They are in contact with clients, relatives, doctors, schools, referring agencies, funding bodies and employers. They also work as employees in organizations such as IV offices, vocational integration institutions and educational institutions or as self-employed persons on a mandate basis.
Provider of training Job Coach Work integration