The salary of graduates of an Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE) - such as a counselor in the psychosocial field - usually increases after continuing education, further training. This is usually also due to a management position and the assumption of more responsible tasks after the counselor training with a federal diploma.
You can calculate your salary opportunities with just a few clicks using the federal government's salary calculator. This will give you an idea of the salary increase you could expect after completing the "Counselor in the psychosocial field (AFPE)" course.
Criteria such as the industry, region and the specific employer as well as your personal characteristics such as education, professional experience and age play a decisive role in calculating consultant training. We would be happy to show you the calculation using an example.
This is how you proceed: Click on "Salarium - statistical salary calculator" below and then on the "Calculate salary" button
Source:"Federal Statistical Office, FSO"
Note: This sample calculation is based on data from Salarium (end of 2024). Information can be foundhere. A list of other payroll calculator tools is availablehere.
The example salary of a consultant in the psychosocial field in our calculation is CHF 6,942. Now go back to the "Position in the company" section and select "Level 3+4 lower management", which results in a new average salary of CHF 7,509. If the management level after the consultant training even increases to "Level 1+2 upper and middle management", the salary is even CHF 8,8613.
Please note:The calculation is intended as an example of a counselor in the psychosocial field (AFPE). As mentioned above, the salary after the counselor training depends on various factors and sometimes varies greatly.
Another example of a counselor in the psychosocial field with a federal diploma: CHF 941,000 more salary until retirement(Training consultant)
Sandra works as a specialist in psychiatric nursing and care in psychiatric nursing at a private clinic in Sarnen. The 23-year-old enjoys caring for and looking after people with mental impairments. Sandra helps clients to organize their daily lives and deal with the effects of their personal illness. In everyday life, she demonstrates a high sense of responsibility, empathy, resilience and communication skills. Sandra recognizes and promotes the clients' resources in order to strengthen their independence. She helps to draw up, develop and evaluate the respective care plan. In the daily care process, Sandra documents the care work and formulates suggestions for adjustments. She also manages the relationship with relatives competently and professionally. She is convinced that she can use artistic means to support her work in psychiatric care in a meaningful way. Sandra would like to deepen her knowledge in the psychosocial field and take on a leadership role. To this end, she is attending the AFPE course for counselors in the psychosocial field. With this federal diploma in the psychosocial field, Sandra can focus on and solve problems in personal discussions with people seeking advice. This can involve individual, couple, family or group counseling. Sandra can help in stressful life situations, crises or conflicts. To do this, she asks about the personal life situation, evaluates it in detail and weighs it up. From this, Sandra derives the appropriate approach and main objectives in order to develop a structured counseling plan in terms of content and time. In the counseling process after building trust, she adapts to the client in a situational, individual and creative way. By encouraging personal responsibility and supporting the client's efforts, Sandra works with them to develop their patterns of behavior and experience, thereby improving their personal well-being. She uses different counseling approaches such as person-centered, body- or process-oriented methods. Sandra has increased her salary as well as her market value through her counselor training and Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE). She has also gained numerous new opportunities for further development, such as running her own practice or gaining access to a Bachelor's degree at a University of Applied Sciences.
Financial benefits of counselor training Counselor in the psychosocial field
As a consultant in the psychosocial field, Sandra will receive CHF 1,921 more per month than before the consultant training and will therefore have at least CHF 941,000 more at her disposal by the time she retires than if she had not taken this continuing education, Advanced Federal Professional Examination (AFPE).
As this theoretical calculation does not take into account any further salary increases, promotions or interest on savings, the salary can still increase significantly.
Calculation in detail Consultant training
Continuing education, further training as a psychosocial counselor AFPE:
Wage difference and yield calculation:
(All figures as at November 2022)
Click on the Salarium banner below to access the federal salary calculator
Find here an educational institute that offers the course Counselor in the psychosocial field (AFPE):
To the offers "Counselor training (cert.)" and "Counselor in the psychosocial field (AFPE)"