Family mediation: training, courses, information and schools in your region

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Family mediation: making conflict resolution a success

There are many situations within a family in which different opinions clash and an agreement is not foreseeable. When different views clash, each individual wants to assert their own point of view and no compromise can be found, such situations often lead to escalation and long-lasting conflicts that make family life more difficult and frustrate everyone involved. In most cases, a neutral person is needed to act as a mediator, listen to the concerns of each individual and mediate between the parties. However, it is rare to find such a person among acquaintances or friends, so family mediation that does not take the side of one or the other is a beneficial measure for all sides.

A family mediator does not offer inappropriate advice or perfect conflict solutions, but helps the parties involved to recognize independent solutions and find suitable ways forward together. He or she enables those involved to understand the views of their counterparts and to develop the ability to cooperate, which can lead to an agreement that takes all parties equally into account and satisfies them.

Family mediation can lead to mediation in very different situations, be it in divorce or separation problems, which can have both material and psychological consequences, be it in generational conflicts or custody agreements where both parental parties do not want to deviate from their point of view. Family mediation is also very suitable for families with adolescent children whose behavior and future aspirations are different from those of their parents, as well as when it comes to rethinking parenting issues and resolving disputes between parents/guardians.

The range of issues in which a mediator can be helpful and bring about an agreement is very wide and is often underestimated, for example in inheritance disputes. Systemic counseling can be the first and most important step for families towards regaining normality and, at best, harmony, even if one or more parties initially show little or no willingness to cooperate.

Are there discord and disputes in your family, can you as a couple, parents or family no longer talk to each other without a new conflict constantly breaking out and do you have the feeling that there is no foreseeable solution that is fair to everyone involved? Then it is highly recommended that you not only think about family mediation, but also take this step and seek professional, reputable and neutral support that can bring about a sustainable conflict resolution.

Here on you will find suitable counselling centres and recognized mediators who can help you to resolve your family disputes and finally find peace with this stressful chapter. As a first step, ask the institutions you are interested in to send you further documents or ask your questions, which will always be treated confidentially and forwarded directly to the appropriate family mediation centers.

Questions and answers

Legally speaking, you are not allowed to force a person to do something they do not want to do. Only the court can order such a measure, which falls under the term "ordered mediation" and is mandatory for all parties involved. Such family mediation is ordered, for example, in the context of child protection, where the healthy development of the child is no longer guaranteed due to long-lasting and escalating conflicts. However, since the beginning of 2011, the court can also recommend mediation instead of stratification proceedings, but cannot enforce it. It is best to contact family counseling centers if you are unable to persuade your husband to enter into family mediation, or use systemic counseling or therapy to develop your own solutions to your difficulties, which will help you to gain the skills to take action and initiate measures.
The question is what you mean by "psychoding". If you mean lying on a coach, talking about your problems and the psychiatrist nodding from time to time and questioning you about precarious behavior from your past, then clearly not. In family mediation, you will meet with trained and experienced mediation experts who will first gain an overview of the events, dynamics and constellations within your family and find out about the problems that each individual has with the current family situation. As psychologists should be, they are neither judgmental nor presumptuous, but above all neutral. During the sessions, you never take the side of one person or one opinion, but act exclusively as a mediator. Like psychology, mediation aims to ensure that the parties involved recognize the core problem and find a solution to it independently. The parties to the conflict should learn to perceive and acknowledge the behavior of the other party and relate it to the problem that has arisen. The family mediator does not give well-intentioned advice or subjective assessments, but guides the parties to find ways that are acceptable to all parties involved. Therefore, family mediation can actually have a tangible benefit, which is usually a compromise that benefits everyone involved.
Family mediation is often used as a last resort before the final escalation, but if possible it should not even get that far. As soon as you realize that family life is becoming difficult to manage, that you are constantly arguing and can no longer find compromises that are acceptable to all sides, you should start mediation. You have nothing to lose, whether you are the parents of adult children or minors, a married couple or prospective divorcees. Family mediation can be very helpful for issues and problems such as separation, divorce, conflicts between children and parents, conflicts between spouses or cohabiting partners, disputes in patchwork families, inheritance disputes, generational conflicts and many more in various constellations.
Whether your children are your biological, adopted or fostered children does not play a role in family mediation. It is not conducted according to the mother-father-child concept, where the father has the say, the mother mediates and the child has to obey. Instead, the needs, fears and problems of each individual with regard to family life are addressed in order to bring about a situation in which everyone involved feels comfortable again, including your wife's son. Such mediation can open your eyes to the difficulties that exist within your family, or between you and your foster son, so that together you can find a way to address and, if possible, resolve these problems. It is best to speak directly to the relevant family mediation counseling centers about your concerns, who will point you towards the appropriate therapy or counseling, be it mediation, systemic counseling or another form of counseling.

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Erfahrungen, Bewertungen und Meinungen zur Ausbildung / Weiterbildung

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Sofort zur richtigen Weiterbildung

Schulhausstrasse 64
8002 Zürich
IEF Institute for Systemic Development and Training
Our institute offers professionals - tailored to their individual needs - a wide range of further training courses in the areas of systemic psychotherapy (federally recognized), hypnosystemic training and further training, conflict management and mediation, systemic parent coaching and social-pedagogical family support, some of which are CAS courses. We use the different professional backgrounds of the participants as a learning environment and support their individual skills and learning processes.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung