Schools Kreuzlingen: Information about education, training and continuing education, further training Kreuzlingen

Es gibt zahlreiche Schulen Kreuzlingen uuml;ber die Stadt verteilt
Panorama of Kreuzlingen

1. where is Kreuzlingen located?

Wo liegt Kreuzlingen und wo finde ich die Schulen Kreuzlingen?
Kreuzlingen is located in the north of the canton of Thurgau
on Lake Constance

The town of Kreuzlingen is located in the north of the canton of Thurgau on the shores of Lake Constance. The hillside location of the town - south-east of the German city of Constance - is surrounded by forests on the hilltops to the south, Lake Constance and the artificial Wulesaueninsle lake to the east and the Seerhein and Untersee lakes to the west. The northern border with Germany was secured by the fortress belt of Kreuzlingen. The town lies 397 m above sea level (near the harbor). The area of Kreuzlingen was already settled in the Bronze Age, but was a kind of suburb of Constance until the First World War. The closed borders during the war meant that Kreuzlingen became more independent and developed into a town in the 20th century. The town's economic focus was on viticulture and industry - today the service sector accounts for the largest share. As an educational location, the town offers several important schools in Kreuzlingen.

2. how big is Kreuzlingen?

With around 22,000 inhabitants, the town of Kreuzlingen is the second largest in the canton of Thurgau and the largest Swiss town on Lake Constance. However, the border town has a total agglomeration of 130,000 inhabitants. With 55% foreigners, Constance has the highest proportion of foreigners. Kreuzlingen covers an area of 11.50 square kilometers. There used to be many vineyards, but these were eradicated in 1938. Recently, however, two new vineyards have been planted. The largest employer is the defense company General Dynamics European Land Systems - Mowag GmbH. Other important employers are in aluminum production (Amcor Flexibles Kreuzlingen AG), in the clothing industry (Strellson AG) or in the production of ice skates (Graf Skates AG), bicycles (Tour de Suisse Rad AG) and chocolate (Chocolat Bernrain AG). Other major companies include Rausch, KG Packungen, Ifolor and Neuweiler. As an important supra-regional education location, there are many schools in Kreuzlingen.

3. how accessible are the schools in Kreuzlingen by public transport?

Anreise an Schulen Kreuzlingen mit öffentlichem Verkehr
Arrival at Kreuzlingen schools by public transport
Means of transportation

Kreuzlingen station is a railroad junction, as the Rorschach - Schaffhausen lake line (each about half an hour's journey) meets the Kreuzlingen - Constance (journey time 3 minutes) and Kreuzlingen - Weinfelden (journey time just under half an hour) railroad lines. Four stations are located within the city limits: Kreuzlingen, Kreuzlingen Hafen, Kreuzlingen Bernrain and Kurzrickenbach Seepark. An expansion of public transport is being discussed to relieve the city of motorized private transport. Public transport is a quick and easy way to travel to schools in Kreuzlingen.

4 "Schools Kreuzlingen": How do I travel by private transportation?

The two highway junctions Kreuzlingen Süd and Kreuzlingen Nord connect the city with the A7 highway. This section also includes the Girsberg tunnel, which runs partly under the populated urban area. The A7 joins the A1 in the direction of Constance and leads to Constance via the German Bundesstrasse 33. The main road 16 leads to Weinfelden and Will SG, the main road 13 to Schaffhausen and Rorschach and the main road 1 to Frauenfeld, Winterthur and Zurich. There are numerous parking spaces available in the center of Kreuzlingen, some of which are equipped with electric charging stations. Getting to schools in Kreuzlingen is easy by car or motorcycle. There is also a well-signposted network of cycle paths in Kreuzlingen.

Parkieren bei Schulen Kreuzlingen
Getting to schools in Kreuzlingen by car - easy parking

5 What kind of schools are there in Kreuzlingen?

In addition to primary and secondary schools, Kreuzlingen is home to the University of Teacher Education Thurgau (close cooperation with the University of Constance), private schools, two secondary schools, a teacher training college, a cantonal school, music schools, vocational schools, day schools, sports schools and language schools. The schools in Kreuzlingen are of great importance for the Lake Constance region.

6. what catering options are available at "Schulen Kreuzlingen"?

Catering options at schools in Kreuzlingen include restaurants, cafés, pubs, canteens and take-away offers. Typical Kreuzlingen specialties include apple juice, apple rings, beer, wine, Gottlieber Hüppen, products from Somm Fleisch & Comestibles (natural and animal-friendly farming), chocolate products from Chocolat Bernrain and cheese.

Verpflegung in Pausen von Schulen Kreuzlingen
Catering during school breaks in Kreuzlingen

7 What is there to discover after class?

Nach dem Besuch von Schulen Kreuzlingen am Bodensee entspannen
Relax on Lake Constance after a visit to
Schools Kreuzlingen

The town of Kreuzlingen offers sporting activities, cultural discoveries and enjoyable experiences on and around Lake Constance. We recommend a walk through the Seeburgpark, a visit to the Castell castle ruins or a boat trip on Lake Constance. You can also discover interesting works of art in public spaces. The town is ideal for shopping, strolling and enjoying the green spaces. The following sights can be visited in and around Kreuzlingen:

  • Churches of St. Ulrich and St. Afra
  • Museum Rosenegg
  • Römerburg residential building
  • Bellevue area
  • Art paths
  • Stumbling stones laid in recognition of special commitment
  • Border crossing Wiesenstrasse
  • Customs square Kreuzlinger Tor
  • Seeburgpark with observation tower
  • Lake Museum
  • Art border with Kreuzlingen
  • Lake promenade
  • Lake Constance Planetarium
  • Zoo
  • Lengwiler Weiher nature reserve
  • Napoleon Tower Hohenrain
  • Seeburg Castle, Bernegg Castle, Gottlieben Castle and Girsberg Castle Estate
  • Egelsee family and leisure pool
  • Wine route

Pictures of schools in Kreuzlingen for training and continuing education, further training (click on the pictures to enlarge):

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