HR specialist: training, continuing education, further training, schools, self-testing

Eine HR-Fachfrau in einem Mitarbeitergespräch
HR-Fachfrau / HR-Fachmann an der WKS Bern
Eine richtig gute Investition in deine Zukunft
Preview of the video «HR-Fachfrau / HR-Fachmann an der WKS Bern»
Preview of the video «HR-Fachfrau / HR-Fachmann an der WKS Bern»
Preview of the video «HR-Fachmann / HR-Fachfrau (BP)»
Preview of the video «HR-Fachfrau / HR-Fachmann mit eFachausweis»

If you want to take on management tasks in the field of human resources in public administrations, small, medium-sized or large companies - you should complete an HR specialist training course. In this exciting and varied HR function, you will be responsible for finding and supporting employees or job seekers. Thanks to the specialist HR knowledge acquired during training, HR specialists communicate with their stakeholders as experts and experienced consultants, design HR processes and provide advice on HR issues.

Find out more about the activities, training, target groups and Federal Professional Examination in our "Tips, tests and information".

Self-test "HR specialist training": Is this course in HR management/HRM the right one for me?

Download checklists

Checklist «Finding the right further training» » download here

Checklist «Choosing the right school» » download here

HR specialist with Federal Diploma of Higher Education: taking responsibility for personnel issues

HR specialists work in public and private sector personnel consulting and recruitment and in human resources (HR) and, depending on the size of the company, handle the entire personnel administration - from planning and recruitment to administration and departures - or only parts of it. The continuing education, further training and Federal Diploma of Higher Education in HR is aimed at business people with the HRSE certificate as an HR assistant (formerly HR assistant).

HR specialists with a federal certificate take on demanding tasks and management functions at middle management level and therefore generally take on more responsibility - including over their HR assistants (formerly personnel assistants). The demand on the job market is correspondingly high and there are numerous job offers.

The Federal Professional Examination for HR specialists can be completed in three specializations:

  • Operational HR management
  • Private recruitment and staff leasing
  • Public recruitment and consulting

HR specialists take on different tasks depending on their area of work. In operational management, they are involved in the employee cycle (recruitment, deployment planning, retention, development, termination and dismissal). In private recruitment, they help companies to find suitable employees. At public employers such as the Regional Employment Centers (RAV), they advise jobseekers in order to reintegrate them quickly into the job market.

HR specialists take industry-specific trends, operating models, regulations and laws (such as social security and labor law) into account in their activities and decisions.

Outgoing business people with an HRSE certificate who want to take on more responsibility in HR and also master difficult situations (such as dismissal interviews) responsibly, calmly and decisively are in the right place with the HR specialist training course with a federal certificate.

Questions and answers

In order to acquire comprehensive skills for agile HR, it is worth taking a further training course such as the CAS Leading HR (flex). In this approximately 10-day course, participants learn... work out current trends and issues in HR and find ways to solve them.
...a comprehensive understanding of agility in the organization.
...get to know flexible and dynamic models. understand psychological decision-making processes.

HR specialists manage the entire recruitment process. They create requirement profiles, conduct interviews and conclude employment contracts. They are the point of contact for employees and apprentices for questions relating to training and further education. An HR specialist supports and relieves the HR management and implements the company and HR policy operationally. They are characterized by detailed knowledge of topics such as social insurance, employment contract law, salary and apprenticeship systems.

Depending on the chosen specialization, participants in continuing education, further training as an HR specialist FA are required to have different prior knowledge.

For example, at least four years of professional experience is expected for all specializations after completing basic training:

  • for people who are aiming for HR continuing education, further training in the field of operational human resource management, two years of which must be HR practice
  • two years in the field of unemployment insurance and insolvency compensation for the specialist area of public personnel placement and consulting
  • Two years of HR practice, including one year in private recruitment and placement, for the specialization in private recruitment and placement

In addition, for all HR Specialist disciplines, prospective students are required to have a Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training, a Baccalaureate, a Specialized Baccalaureate, a Federal Vocational Education and Training Certificate or an equivalent qualification and to have passed the HR Assistant certificate examination.

Agile HR is important in an agile company, as processes such as onboarding, recruitment and development can be made more efficient and innovative. Agile HR methods are based on the strong involvement and personal responsibility of employees and teams and a shared focus on the business objective.

Agile HR management is an important topic for HR professionals who want to establish a dynamic and agile structure in the HR department in an agile organization. Several years of experience in the field of human resources is recommended to ensure a comprehensive understanding.

The Federal Professional Examination (FPE) HR Specialist with Federal Diploma of Higher Education consists of three examination parts and a total of five examination items. The "Generalist knowledge of human resources" part of the examination is the same written examination for all candidates and is weighted at 1. Exam part two consists of two exam items that are assessed equally and together are assessed as an exam part with a weighting of 1. This part of the HR specialist training examination is "Professional case processing" with the items "Integrated case study" and "Presentation / technical discussion including preparation time". The "Professional conduct in everyday working life" part of the examination is weighted with the same weighting, which also depends on the subject area and consists of the examination items "Mini-cases" and "Reflection on an interview situation (including preparation video)".

With the HR specialist certificate, you have the following further development opportunities:

  • Head of Human Resources with federal diploma
  • Training manager with federal diploma
  • Certified business economist HF
  • Bachelor of Science (FH) in Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Science (FH) in Applied Psychology with various specializations
  • Certified Human Resources Manager NDS HF

According to graduates, you can achieve the following with HR specialist training:

  • depending on the chosen specialization of the HR specialist training:
    • Professional skills in operational human resource management
    • Specialist skills in public recruitment and consulting
    • Specialist expertise in private recruitment and staff leasing
  • Gain good specialist knowledge for a job in the HR department of an SME, on the RAV or in a recruitment agency
  • perform responsible tasks in the human resources sector, in job placement or in recruitment services
  • with training as an HR specialist, employment as an HR employee, team leader or department head is possible
  • Good preparation for the Federal Diploma of Higher Education examination in HR
  • Opportunity for further development as HR Manager

The education platform asked those interested in training how they proceed when enquiring about schools for HR specialist training. The survey results showed that:

  • 49% of respondents triggered requests to schools for an online assessment
  • 29% of survey participants knew the school from before
  • 22% received a recommendation for school

The former was confirmed by a free text response: "Good recessions". Other reasons for school inquiries for HR specialist training that were mentioned were: "I found it while searching online", "I came across it online during my research", "online learning course", "location", "fits in with today's digital age", "location and quality", "possibility of e-learning", "nearby", "day course", "due to the online offer", "appeared first when searching", "internet search", "coincidence", "don't know this school yet", "is not unknown to me due to advertising", "the data corresponds to my availability", "distance learning", "offer comparison" and "location".

As an HR specialist, you are responsible for all HR matters in SMEs or sub-functions thereof in larger companies and accompany organizational changes with HR resources. Information is also made comprehensible by structuring and presenting it appropriately. The tasks vary depending on the specialization:

  • Operational HR management
    • support line managers in the recruitment of new employees
    • analyze the development needs of employees and derive suitable personnel development measures from this
    • implement the dismissal of employees correctly and professionally
    • advise those involved in HR management
  • Public recruitment and consulting
    • Helping jobseekers to integrate into the labor market
    • Coordination of services with institutions such as social services, social insurance companies, advice centers, doctors and clinics
    • Defining a job search strategy and proposing labor market measures
    • Supporting companies with redundancies
    • Labor market situation analyses
  • Private recruitment and staff leasing
    • Support companies in recruiting the necessary human resources
    • Analysis of jobseekers' profiles and skills
    • Employability assessments

It is possible to specialize during the training to become an HR specialist with a Federal Diploma of Higher Education. Prospective students choose one of the three specializations when they register:

  • Operational Human Resource Management
  • Public recruitment and consulting
  • Private recruitment agency

The first step towards agile HR is to shift the focus from HR itself to the business itself. The inclusion of employees, the transfer of competencies such as recruiting and training to teams and employees under the supervision of HR as well as ongoing adjustments in line with the current business environment and objectives. The CAS Leading HR (flex) FH offers a good opportunity for HR professionals to learn this, for example.

The education portal conducted a survey to find out why people are interested in further training as an HR specialist. These are the results:

  • 74 % would still like to align further training with their own needs
  • 11 % show interest through a recommendation
  • 15 % are interested in this course because the qualification is required in job advertisements


Several people have defined the reason for their interest in the HR specialist training program in terms of their goals:

  • "Personnel consultant"
  • "to increase my knowledge"
  • "Putting my many years of expertise in HR on paper."
  • "Career change"
  • "I would like to expand my expertise"
  • "I would like to develop further in the area of personnel"
  • "Further training desired"
  • "Next training step following the HR assistant qualification"
  • "the course complements my professional practice"
  • "I have seen an interesting job advertisement for which this training is desirable"

Two people are very sure about their interest: "I know that I would like to complete the HR specialist course" and "I find this area very exciting.".

Three other people are already working in this area: "I already work in HR",
"I am already an HR assistant" and "I have completed the HR assistant course and would like to develop further"

During the continuing education, Higher Education and Federal Diploma of Higher Education in HR, participants acquire basic cross-disciplinary knowledge, such as basic knowledge, interaction design and information and network maintenance. This is supplemented by skills in the respective specialist field.

These are for specialization A (operational HRM):

  • Extraction and separation
  • Advice for employees and line managers
  • Assessment, development, remuneration
  • Project management, infrastructure management

For specialization B (public personnel placement and consulting) of the HR specialist training:

  • Placement of job seekers
  • Cooperation with employers
  • Labor market measures
  • Sovereign enforcement tasks

And for specialization C (private recruitment and placement):

  • Placement of job seekers
  • Cooperation with employer
  • Acting as a manager (supervision of employees)
  • Acting as a manager (managing a business unit)

Continuing education, further education and training to become an HR specialist with a Federal Diploma of Higher Education takes place on a part-time basis. It lasts two to three semesters, i.e. one to one and a half years. Detailed information can be obtained directly from the providers.

Tips, tests and information on "HR specialist (FPE)"

How well known is the "HR specialist" qualification among potential employers?
» Awareness and image
What salary increase can I expect after completing the "HR Specialist" course?
» Wage information
What can graduates do after completing the course? What will I gain from continuing education, further training?
» Skills and perspectives
Facts from educational counseling
» 5 facts about HR specialist training
Is the "HR Specialist" course the right one for me?
» Do I belong to the target group, what will I learn, will I graduate
What are the advantages of the course?
» 10 advantages of being an HR specialist
What are the main disadvantages of this continuing education, further training?
» 4 Disadvantages
Overview of the professional field of human resources
» Guide to personnel, organization, project and process management
What is required in HR specialist jobs? How are the activities divided up?
» Information from job advertisements

Infographic "Human resources training and further education"

Find the right educational level and qualification immediately with!

Do you know your options for training or further education in the field of human resources and personnel management? We will show you where you stand in the Swiss education system and what higher levels and qualifications are available.

Download infographic immediately free of charge

Redaktionelle Leitung:

Stefan Schmidlin, Bildungsberatung, Content-Team Modula AG


Website des Schweizerischen Sekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI , Website (offizielles schweizerisches Informationsportal der Studien-, Berufs- und Laufbahnberatung) sowie Websites und anderweitige Informationen der Berufsverbände und Bildungsanbieter.

Experiences, evaluations and opinions on training/continuing education, further training

Preview of the video «4 Schritte zur richtigen Weiterbildung»
Preview of the video «Erfahrungsbericht Ramona Bühler»
Preview of the video «HR-Fachmann / HR-Fachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis - Infos und Empfehlungen»
Preview of the video «HR-Fachmann / HR-Fachfrau (BP)»
Preview of the video «Warum Bildungsportal mit top Service für Bildungsinteressenten»
Preview of the video «HR-Fachfrau / HR-Fachmann mit eFachausweis»
Preview of the video «HR-Fachfrau / HR-Fachmann an der WKS Bern»

Haven't found the right training or further education yet? Benefit from educational advice now!

Further training is not only important in order to maintain or increase professional attractiveness, investing in training or further training is still the most efficient way to increase the chances of a pay rise.

The Swiss education system offers a wide range of individual training and further education opportunities - depending on your personal level of education, professional experience and educational goals.

Choosing the right educational offer is not easy for many prospective students.

Which training and further education is the right one for my path?

Our education advisory team will guide you through the "education jungle", providing specific input and relevant background information to help you choose the right offer.

Your advantages:

You will receive

  • Suggestions for suitable courses, seminars or training programs based on the information you provide in the questionnaire
  • An overview of the different levels and types of education
  • Information about the Swiss education system

We offer our educational counseling in the following languages on request: French, Italian, English

Register now and concretize your training plans.

Training providers in your region

Filter by teaching method:
Other (0)
Industriestrasse 78
4600 Olten
WSF Business School Five
(5.6) Excellent 23 23 Ratings (100% )
Your business school with 5 specializations.
Economics. Management. Marketing. Sales. IT.

Your 5 advantages:

- Successful learning in small classes.
- Experts as lecturers.
- 95% success rate in federal examinations.
- Blended learning - flexible teaching mix.
- Quality continuing education since 1994.

Bern | Solothurn | Olten | Basel | Baden | Zurich | Winterthur | Zug | Lucerne | Sursee

The number of participants is limited, which enables interactive and sustainable teaching of the course material.
Our graduates regularly achieve above-average success rates.
-> Success rate for federal examinations 2022-2024 on average for all courses: 95%)

The bright and friendly classrooms are equipped with modern infrastructure and offer a pleasant learning environment.

You can find the current courses on our website:
We are committed to your success and look forward to getting to know you personally.

Your WSF team
Strengths: Your 5 advantages: Successful learning in small classes | Expert lecturers | 95% success rate in federal examinations | Blended learning - flexible teaching mix | Quality continuing education since 1994.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Bern, Solothurn, Olten, Basel, Baden, Zürich, Winterthur, Zug, Luzern, Sursee
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
examen CH
ICT Berufsbildung
Swiss Marketing
Tösstalstrasse 37
8400 Winterthur
Wirtschaftsschule KV Winterthur
(5.3) Very good 13 13 Ratings (100% )
Personal, practical and high-quality - as a leading regional commercial training center, we are your educational partner for recognized, practice-oriented and business management training in the heart of Winterthur.
Strengths: Personal, practical and high-quality - these are our values.
Region: Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Winterthur
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
examen CH
Blended Learning
KV Bildungsgruppe Schweiz
kv edupool
Effingerstrasse 70
3001 Bern
Preview of the video «HR-Fachfrau / HR-Fachmann an der WKS Bern»
Preview of the video «HR-Fachfrau / HR-Fachmann an der WKS Bern»
WKS KV Education - Continuing education
WKS KV Bildung offers market-driven and attractive continuing education courses in the areas of management & leadership, finance & controlling, marketing, PR & sales as well as HR, personnel management & social insurance.
Strengths: - High-quality educational opportunities - Innovative "Learning Path+" - Personal orientation and support - Dedicated teaching staff - Practical training and follow-up opportunities - Interactive methodology
Region: Bern
Sites: Bern
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
ISO 29990 ProCert
Kaufmännischer Verband Bern
KV Bildungsgruppe Schweiz
Aabachstrasse 7
6300 Zug
KBZ – Kaufmännisches Bildungszentrum Zug
In addition to vocational education and training (VET), the Kaufmännisches Bildungszentrum Zug KBZ offers continuing education, further training in the areas of finance, fiduciary and real estate, management and digital transformation, marketing and sales, human resources, languages and business school. More than 100 teachers teach over 1,200 participants each year at the KBZ in courses, seminars and at the College of Higher Education for Business (HFW Zug).

To ensure that you receive a recognized qualification, we work together with established educational partners and companies in the Zug economic region. This means you can be sure that your continuing education, further training is practice-oriented and offers real added value for the job market.
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Zug
Next start date
Landenbergstrasse 37
6005 Luzern
KV Luzern Berufsakademie
The KV Luzern University of Cooperative Education focuses on the success of its students. With a clear focus and a wide range of continuing education opportunities, we accompany you on your way to your career goal. We have only one mission: your professional and personal development.

Our recipe for success? Experience, passion and commitment. Our lecturers have many years of up-to-date practical experience and are continuously training. In this way, we ensure that you are optimally prepared for your exams and achieve above-average results together. Our students regularly graduate with excellent results above the Swiss average. Your progress counts with us - and we make it possible.
Strengths: THE largest business competence center in Central Switzerland - high success rates - 400 lecturers from the business world - 100 courses - learn today - apply tomorrow - central location
Region: Zentralschweiz
Sites: Luzern
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
KV Bildungsgruppe Schweiz
kv edupool
Kreuzlibergstrasse 10
5400 Baden
e.g. Center for Education | Baden & Brugg
The zB. education center is the business school in Aargau with further education in over 14 subject areas. Here you can continue your education in a contemporary way and benefit from a personal atmosphere. The "zB." accompanies you on your first steps directly after your apprenticeship, through the professional certificate level, to study without a baccalaureate - the Higher Technical College HF.

The educational guidance and career services always provide you with an honest overview of the education market. So you can follow your own personal educational path - for the rest of your life.
Region: Aargau
Sites: Baden, Brugg
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Bildungszentrum Sihlpost, Sihlpostgasse 2
8004 Zürich
KV Business School Zurich
As the largest commercial school in Switzerland, KV Business School Zurich offers a comprehensive range of continuing education courses at all levels - in line with the motto "no degree without a connection".

"We empower people. Today for tomorrow. Your success begins with your choice of educational partner. We have been shaping commercial and business continuing education, further training in the Zurich region for over 130 years. By working closely with all sectors of the economy, we understand the requirements and developments of the labor market. We translate these into practical, up-to-date training courses."

This includes vocational training courses with national and central qualifications as well as courses that address current topics and certify the relevant skills in a practice-oriented manner. The range is supplemented by over 120 one-day seminars on current topics. Divided into twelve educational worlds, the school covers all commercial and business management topics.
Strengths: Our training programs represent a benchmark, enjoy the highest level of recognition in the working world and create added value for everyone.
Region: Zürich
Sites: Zürich
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
KV Bildungsgruppe Schweiz
Postfach 118, Murifeldweg 19
3000 Bern 16
Marketing & Management Institute MMI Bern
(5.4) Very good 26 26 Ratings (100% )
"Leading"? What does that mean? The most students? Then the MMI is not leading because the number of participants per class is limited so that we can cater to individual needs. On request, this can also be done outside the classroom - free of charge. Together with the lecturers, the participants prepare very intensively for the various examinations (sales specialist, marketing specialist, sales manager, marketing manager, event & marketing assistant with EMK certificate, personnel assistant, HR specialist).

Exams are one thing - practice is another. At the MMI, we don't just focus on the exams. Rather, we want you to take away as much additional know-how as possible for your job. Individual & needs-based support are therefore not just empty words at the MMI. This may be the reason for our above-average success rates. Find out for yourself.
Strengths: Individual, needs-based support outside of lessons; free of charge. Limited class sizes. Very high success rates - often 100%.
Region: Bern
Sites: Bern, Bern 16
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden
Swiss Marketing
Vulkanstrasse 106
8048 Zürich
BVS Business School - Part of the Benedict Education Group
BVS/BBS Business-School - Your career is our mission. With our further training courses, we enable you to take on new and challenging tasks and increase your position and thus your job satisfaction. Trust in tradition - dare to innovate.
Strengths: All-inclusive prices (excluding external exams), Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu or Saturday classes, above-average exam results, centrally located. Free parking (Zurich), free preliminary courses.
Region: Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Zürich, Bern, Luzern, St. Gallen (BBS Business School)
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:

Baumgartenstrasse 5
8201 Schaffhausen
HKV Commercial School KV Schaffhausen
The HKV Handelsschule KV Schaffhausen is an important educational partner in the canton of Schaffhausen. All departments of the commercial professions and retail trade are offered in the basic training program. The commercial middle school also prepares students for the professional qualification of commercial clerk and the vocational baccalaureate.

In addition to basic training, the College of Higher Education for Business and numerous training courses are also located under the HKV umbrella. They all lead to vocational and professional examinations as part of continuing education and training (AFPE). 2 reasons why you should attend continuing education, further training at the HKV:

1) Our lecturers come from the regional working world. Not only is knowledge imparted in the classroom, but a network is also built up. Be part of this network.

2) HKV boasts above-average success rates in its final examinations. Small class sizes and many personal contacts promote the learning environment.

We look forward to meeting you!
Strengths: We focus on the targeted further education of our participants and their personal support along the way. Manageable class sizes, modern forms of learning, high success rates.
Region: Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Schaffhausen
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Cambridge English Language Assessment
kv edupool
Max-Daetwyler-Platz 1
3014 Bern
Feusi Education Center
Your success is our goal. Since 1952.
Our focus is on you. In an atmosphere conducive to learning, we offer a consistent and practice-oriented range of training and further education courses at our locations in Berne, Muri-Gümligen and Solothurn. We want to support and encourage you in your development with our educational programs. We look forward to accompanying you during this phase so that together we can achieve your educational goals.
Strengths: Trial lessons. Personal advice & support. Practice-oriented. Hybrid lessons. High success rate. Good accessibility. More than 70 years of experience.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern
Sites: Bern, Gümligen, Solothurn
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Swiss Olympic
Elisabethenanlage 9
4051 Basel
ipso! Business School
The ipso! Business School is the first address for your professional development in the fields of business administration and leadership, marketing and sales as well as finance and human resources in the whole of German-speaking Switzerland.

As part of ipso! you are guaranteed to be connected: with the federally recognized degree from ipso! Business School, you can continue your studies with us towards a Bachelor's or Master's degree, thanks to the permeable educational offer with your certificate, your diploma from our higher technical college or after your postgraduate studies.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Basel, Bern, St. Gallen, Zug, Zürich
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
ISO 21001 SQS
Emil Frey-Strasse 100
4142 Münchenstein
kv pro AG
(5.1) Very good 11 11 Ratings (100% )
As kv pro, we are committed to higher vocational training and are one of the largest providers of part-time continuing education, further training in the commercial sector in the region. Originating from the continuing education, further training and management training of the KV Basel commercial school (Basel-Stadt) and Avanti KV Weiterbildungen (Baselland), we have been shaping the commercial education system in the region for more than 150 years.

We are committed to high quality standards in order to provide our customers with the best possible preparation for the professional challenges of our time. We see ourselves as a partner on the career path of our participants.

At our teaching locations in Basel, Liestal and Münchenstein, we offer continuing education, further training in all commercial specializations and at all common (NQF levels). The majority of our experienced lecturers come from the private sector.

kv pro is supported by the Kaufmännischer Verband Region Beide Basel, the employees' association for business people.
Strengths: High level of practical transfer, personal advice and support, up-to-date teaching materials, lecturers with practical experience, location assessments, many years of experience.
Region: Basel
Sites: Basel, Liestal, Münchenstein
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Cambridge English
KV Bildungsgruppe Schweiz
kv edupool
Jungholzstrasse 43
8050 Zürich
(4.9) Good 166 166 Ratings (89% )
For more than 60 years, AKAD has been offering courses in secondary school and vocational baccalaureate, as well as in higher vocational education and training and continuing education. AKAD is a company of the Kalaidos Education Group.
Strengths: 60 years of experience - flexible learning despite family and career - above-average success rate - individual support
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Basel, Bern, Lausanne, Zürich
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
EFQM 2020
NBW Further training in business administration
Founded in 1998 and today one of the leading providers of courses in the vocational training system - a success that is no coincidence.

To achieve a top position as a young school in this highly competitive market, special qualities are required: excellent teaching staff, perfect organization and infrastructure, well thought-out training controlling and - most importantly - proximity to the customer. From the first consultation, to support during the training, right through to the graduation ceremony: the NBW school management is there for its customers.
Region: Bern, Zürich
Sites: Schönbühl, Zürich
Mönchstrasse 30A
3600 Thun
Thun Business School
(5.3) Very good 97 97 Ratings (98% )
Business School Thun - Take off with education!
We are the leading regional vocational and further education center in the commercial sector in the Bernese Oberland with private sponsorship.
Strengths: Largest provider of continuing education in the Bernese Oberland | Specialized provider of continuing education in business, IT and languages | More than 25 training courses and 50 courses on offer
Region: Bern
Sites: Thun
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Cambridge English Language Assessment
kv edupool
Scheuchzerstrasse 2
8006 Zürich
(5.0) Very good 25 25 Ratings (96% )
The Minerva advantage - close to the market with needs-oriented courses. Minerva is one of the leading schools in basic commercial education, where young people and adults are successfully trained and further educated. Minerva is part of the Kalaidos Education Group Switzerland, the largest private education provider in Switzerland. Whether full-time school or extra-occupational courses, Minerva offers optimal conditions for achieving the desired goals. The basis for its success is the high quality and the flexible and practical school concept, which is constantly adapting to the conditions and needs of today's world.
Strengths: Interest and motivation through innovation, bilingual courses, exclusive range of courses, intensive support and individual advice, motivating working and learning atmosphere, central location
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Luzern, St. Gallen, Winterthur, Zürich
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Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Riggenbachstrasse 8
4600 Olten
Learning workshop: HR specialist with federal certificate
(5.6) Excellent 200 200 Ratings (100% )
Would you like to develop your career in human resources management and are you looking for comprehensive, practice-oriented and flexible training? Then our course to prepare for the federal professional examination "HR Specialist" is just right for you!

Your plus with the Lernwerkstatt
- Implementation guarantee
- Modular structure according to the latest guidelines (2023)
- Check-in Gate HR generalist knowledge, for your personal assessment
- Combination of online and classroom training
- Targeted exam training
- E-exercise tool with current tasks
- Digital learning snacks between the learning units
- Virtual room for self-organized online learning groups with video conferencing system, document exchange, forum, etc.
- Focus on in-depth and practical exercises in class, self-directed learning at home
- Targeted combination of excellent exam preparation and high practical orientation at the same time
Strengths: Implementation guarantee / Start check to determine where you stand / Live exam simulations
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Aarau, Baden, Basel, Bern, Biel, Brugg, Buchs/SG, Burgdorf, Bülach, Chur, Luzern, Nottwil, Olten, Pfäffikon/SZ, Sargans, Schaffhausen, Solothurn, Spiez, St. Gallen, Sursee, Thun, Uster, Weinfelden, Winterthur, Zug, Zürich Flughafen, Zürich HB, Zürich Oerlikon, Zürich West
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Baarerstrasse 137
6302 Zug
Preview of the video «HR-Fachmann / HR-Fachfrau (BP)»
Preview of the video «HR-Fachmann / HR-Fachfrau (BP)»
Art of Formation – Weiterbildung WBA AG
(5.3) Very good 39 39 Ratings (97% )
+ Over 20 years of experience in course concepts
+ Guided online lessons and small groups: Proven, successful, high completion rates - save up to 3 hrs of your time per week!
+ First certified online training institute in Switzerland
+ Lecturer team with extensive experience in federal exam preparation
+ High federal completion rate of 90% across all courses
+ Pioneer of online teaching: We train wherever you are and whenever you have time!
+ Unique learning environment with small classes
+ Always half-year start spring and fall
+ Small class guarantee from 5 to 15 participants
+ Course price guarantee with 50% subsidy
+ "Referral gift!"
+ Easy and quick access to locations (by public transport or car)
+ Free additional lessons during the course
+ Personal consultation appointments
+ Uncomplicated and fast administrative support
+ E-learning with gamification
+ Course support from start to finish
+ High federal graduation rate (90%)
Strengths: + Guided online lessons: proven, successful, high completion rates + Half-yearly start spring/autumn + Small class guarantee of 5 - 15 participants + Course price guarantee with 50% subsidy
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Bern, Emmen/LU, Geführter ONLINE-UNTERRICHT, Gossau/SG, Muttenz/BL, Spiez, Winterthur/ZH, Zürich
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden
Feldmühlestr. 28
9400 Rorschach
WZR Rorschach-Rhine Valley
(5.2) Very good 18 18 Ratings (100% )
With over 2000 students, the Rorschach-Rheintal Continuing Education Center is one of the largest providers of adult education in Eastern Switzerland.

The experienced lecturers know from their own experience what is in demand in companies today. Accordingly, the course content is geared towards the requirements of business and the final examinations. You learn what you need in practice. At the WZR you will learn in an informal atmosphere and interact intensively with your fellow students and lecturers. This improves your social skills and, coupled with new specialist knowledge, prepares you for professional challenges.

We look forward to meeting you.
Strengths: ▪ Over 50 courses ▪ Wide range of online courses ▪ Lecturers with practical experience ▪ Personal support & pleasant learning atmosphere ▪ Top success rates compared to other Swiss universities ▪ Good accessibility
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Rorschach, Altstätten, St. Gallen
Next start date Next info event
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Cambridge English
kv edupool

Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten
FHNW School of Business - Institute for Human Resource Management and Organization
The wide range of conferences, seminars, specialist courses, certificate, diploma and master's degree courses (MAS, DAS and CAS) offered by the Institute of Human Resources Management and Organization are aimed at HR professionals, managers, project managers and internal and external consultants. In addition to the certificate courses, we offer a range of shorter seminar units and conferences on current topics in HRM.
Strengths: We offer you practical training in business management topics. AACSB has accredited us as one of the top 5% of business schools worldwide - like Yale and Harvard.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Basel, Olten, Windisch
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
EducAvanti - actively supervised e-learning
(5.2) Very good 19 19 Ratings (89% )
The e-learning specialists since 2008 for federal diploma, certificate and diploma courses.
Training and further education courses in Human Relations: HR Assistant, HR Specialist, Public Relations, Management SVF, Leadership SVF, Adult Education SVEB Certificates Instructor and SVEB Continuing Education Certificate digital, as well as Technical Merchants and more.
Interactive learning materials (e.g. eBooks, language and video communication) and collaborative teaching are used to support and prepare students specifically for the federal examinations or a module qualification. A didactically and methodically trained team of specialist lecturers is available in each subject area. Online training options with or without specialist support and access to real exam situations round off the offer.

Region: All of Switzerland, language of instruction: German
Location: supervised, guided and moderated e-learning, not location-bound. Blended learning, some courses hybrid teaching
Strengths: Actively supervised e-learning, individual or group lessons
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: E-Learning
Next start date Next info event
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Burgstrasse 20
3600 Thun
AzU, Training Center for Corporate Management AG
AzU Thun has been successfully offering training in sales and marketing for more than 25 years. Thanks to our innovative CRAM learning method, you can learn effectively and successfully in the shortest possible time and take the federal examination after just one year. Our training courses fit in perfectly with your everyday work and private life, as you only have lessons one evening a week and a few Saturdays. We do not require a minimum number of participants, as we guarantee that every course will take place. Our experienced instructors will guide you competently through the lessons and are always available to answer any questions you may have. Put your trust in our many years of experience and let us accompany you on your educational path to success.
Strengths: 1 evening of school per week / Innovative CRAM learning method / Shortened training - the federal examination in one year / Guaranteed training courses
Region: Bern
Sites: Thun, Visp
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Swiss Marketing
Hirschengraben 43
6003 Luzern
Preview of the video «HR-Fachfrau / HR-Fachmann mit eFachausweis»
Preview of the video «HR-Fachfrau / HR-Fachmann mit eFachausweis»
eFachausweis is your partner for personal, competent and flexible online preparation for the professional examination.

We believe in contemporary and individualized higher vocational education and training. For us, contemporary means that we make use of current and future learning opportunities. These opportunities pave the way for personal, competent and flexible preparation for the professional examination.

Individualization is reflected in our offers and services. For example, depending on your needs and course, you can prepare for the professional examination either completely independently or in a class group. You will receive individual support from experts in the mentoring learning program. We offer you the opportunity to create your own personal examination documents for various courses.
Strengths: Thanks to online teaching with 100% flexibility, you can obtain a federally recognized certificate.
Region: Aargau, Basel, Bern, Liechtenstein, Ostschweiz, Tessin, Virtuelles Klassenzimmer, Westschweiz, Zentralschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Online
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden
Vadianstrasse 45
9001 St. Gallen
BVS St. Gallen
(5.7) Excellent 11 11 Ratings (100% )
Anyone in the region of Eastern Switzerland who is interested in professional development and continuing education should take the time to get to know BVS St. Gallen better. There are good reasons why over 1000 course participants place their trust in our further education institute every year. This pleasing growth and the constant success rates are based on our proven corporate principle: the personal well-being and goals of our participants are at the heart of everything we do.
Strengths: Personal advice & support. Practice-oriented. Hybrid lessons. High success rate. Good accessibility. 30 years of experience. Lecturers from the field.
Region: Ostschweiz
Sites: St. Gallen
Next info event
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden
ISO 21001 SQS
ISO 9001 SQS
Swiss Marketing
Technoparkstrasse 5
8406 Winterthur
SWS Schulen für Wirtschaft und Sprachen
(5.3) Very good 78 78 Ratings (98% )
We are delighted to welcome you to SWS in Winterthur. Whether you are looking for training, further education or studies, we can offer you educational opportunities that suit you. Because at SWS in the heart of the new and up-and-coming Technopark area in the educational city of Winterthur, the focus is on you and your personal goals.
Strengths: Many long-standing customers, excellent ratings and extremely high success rates do not lie: at the renowned SWS you can expect quality, flexible course times and a pleasant learning environment.
Region: Ostschweiz, Zürich
Sites: Winterthur
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Winkelriedstrasse 35
6003 Luzern
SIMAKOM Management College
(5.4) Very good 19 19 Ratings (94% )
SIMAKOM is the specialized college for marketing, sales and HR training. You can expect a highly motivated team of experienced, practice-oriented experts. By specializing and concentrating on these core competencies, students benefit from above-average professional and methodological expertise. This is impressively confirmed by the high success rates in the federal examinations and the feedback from students. The course locations are Lucerne, Sursee, Zofingen and Rotkreuz. The central location and top infrastructure contribute to an atmosphere conducive to learning.

All SIMAKOM Management School continuing education courses have a proportion of virtual teaching units.
Strengths: Sensational success rates - Specialized technical school - Highest efficiency: The perfect mix of virtual and face-to-face teaching - Lecturers from the field - Central locations -
Region: Aargau, Zentralschweiz
Sites: Luzern, Rotkreuz, Sursee, Zofingen
Next start date
Certifications, Memberships, Qualifications:
Blended Learning
Innovative Ausbildungsmethoden
Swiss Marketing
Bahnhofstrasse 46
5000 Aarau
HKV Aarau
HKV Aarau is the leading educational institute for in-service commercial training in the Aarau region.
Region: Aargau
Sites: Aarau, Rheinfelden

Schulen mit zertifizierter Bildungsberatung

Course evaluations from participants on HR-Fachmann / HR-Fachfrau (BP) (ehemals Personalfachmann / Personalfachfrau (BP) / Personalberater / Personalberaterin (BP))

(4.9) Good 21 21 Ratings
  Organisation (4.8)
  Lecturers (4.8)
  Learning content (4.9)
  Training methodology (4.8)
  Infrastructure (5.1)

Ich werde das WZR auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Ich bin der Meinung, dass wir uns sehr viel Wissen aneignen konnten und wurden optimal auf die Prüfung vorbereitet. Die Dozenten überzeugten mit viel Wissen, Erfahrung und Menschlichkeit! Auch die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Sekretariat war top! Sie hat sich sogar einmal extra die Zeit genommen, uns zu besuchen und unsere Anliegen persönlich entgegenzunehmen.

Heidi L. HR-Fachleute mit eidg. FA
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2023
(5.4) Very good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (6.0)
  Learning content (6.0)
  Training methodology (5.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)

Der Lehrgang und die Schule kann ich ohne Einschränkung empfehlen. Gerne dürfen Aufbau des Unterrichts und Prüfungsvorbereitung verbessert werden. Aber ich bin sicher, dieser Prozess ist bereits im Gange.

Franziska M. HR Fachfrau
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2022
(5.0) Very good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (5.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)

Ich würde den Lehrgang bedingt weiterempfehlen, die jedoch Schule sofort. Zu viele Stundenplankorrekturen. Vielleicht kann da die Schule nichts dafür. Etwas mehr Parkplätze wären vorteilhaft.

Franziska M. HR-Fachfrau
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2022
(5.0) Very good
  Organisation (4.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (5.0)
  Infrastructure (6.0)

Grundsätzlich gut, tolle Lehrmittel. Einige sehr tolle Dozenten. Da es keine gesamtschweizerischen eigentlichen Lehrbücher für den Lehrgang HR-Fachleute gibt, finde es schwierig, ob in den Lehrmitteln alles so abgebildet ist, wie es an der Prüfung verlangt wird. Dies liegt aber am Lehrgang und nicht an der AKAD. Sinnvoll wäre es, wenn es für den Lehrgang einheitliche Unterlagen gäbe.

Simone G. HR Fachfrau
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2019
(4.6) Good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (4.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (4.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)

Grundsätzlich sehr gut. Die Ausbildungsmethodik war aufgrund von Corona nicht so abwechslungsreich

Chantal H. HR Fachfrau
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2020
(5.0) Very good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (4.0)
  Infrastructure (6.0)

Helfen Sie anderen Bildungsinteressenten, die richtige Schule / den richtigen Lehrgang zu finden

Unterstützen Sie Bildungsinteressenten bei der Wahl des richtigen Anbieters, indem Sie Ihre wertvollen Erfahrungen als Absolvent/in weitergeben.

Insgesamt bin ich mit der Weitierbildung bei der Akad zufrieden. Aufrund von Corona mussten leider viele Kurse online durchgeführt werden. Die Kursräume vor Ort sind zweckmässig eingerichtet und die Dozenten sind alle sehr bemüht Fragen zu beantworten und den Stoff zu vermitteln. Einzig die Abschlussprüfung im Generalistenwissen in Form von reinen Multiplichoice-Aufgaben war doch eher enttäuschend.

Doreen T. HR Fachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis Akad Diplom
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2020
(4.6) Good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (4.0)
  Training methodology (4.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)

Insgesamt top, einige Dozenten müssten up to date gebracht werden. Spitze, dass viele Dozenten auch das praktizieren, was sie unterrichten.

Carina S. HR-Fachfrau
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2020
(4.8) Good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (4.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (5.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)


Manuel M. HR Fachmann
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2020
(4.8) Good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (5.0)
  Infrastructure (4.0)

Zweisemestriger Kurs zum HR Fachfrau/Fachmann (Dienstagabend in Zürich). Ich würde die Ausbildung wieder bei AKAD machen. Die Lehrbücher fand ich sehr gut für den grossen Anteil Selbststudium. Das Modell mit einem Abend pro Woche passte gut in meine berufliche und familiäre Situation. Man wurde gut auf die Prüfungen vorbereitet! Sehr gut fand ich auch die interne Vorprüfung! Die Mehrheit der Dozenten waren fachlich und didaktisch sehr gut.

Daniel M. HR Fachfrau/Fachmann
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2020
(5.2) Very good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (6.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)

Personalassistentin 2018 und HR-Fachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis 2019. Ich hatte durch die AKAD eine gute Grundausbildung zur eidgenössischen Fachprüfung. Die Dozenten waren stets offen auch per E-Mail für Rückfragen und der Schulstufe wurde gut behandelt. Was ich persönlich von Vorteil fand, war die nichtpflichtige Anwesenheit, da ich durch meine Arbeit des Öfteren nicht anwesend sein konnte.

Vania D. HR-Fachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2019
(4.8) Good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (4.0)
  Learning content (4.0)
  Training methodology (5.0)
  Infrastructure (6.0)

Der Kurs hat mich weitergebracht, Auffrischungskurse tu aktuellen Themen wären wünschenswert. Wenn der HR Leiter Kurs in Modulen angeboten wird, würde ich mich dafür interessieren (ohne eidg. Abschluss)

Denise K. HRM Fachfrau
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2018
(4.6) Good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (4.0)
  Infrastructure (4.0)

War aus meiner Sicht alles super

Fabienne K. HR-Fachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2018
(4.8) Good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (5.0)
  Infrastructure (4.0)

Ich würde jederzeit wieder einen Kurs bei AKAD belegen, ich fühlte mich ausgezeichnet betreut und habe AKAD auch bisher jedem weiterempfohlen.

Carolin S. HR-Fachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2019
(5.8) Excellent
  Organisation (6.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (6.0)
  Training methodology (6.0)
  Infrastructure (6.0)

Im Grossen und Ganzen bin ich zufrieden mit dem Lehrgang und der Schule. Fragen wurden immer relativ zügig beantwortet und ich hatte immer eine Anlaufstelle dafür. Persönlich hätte ich mir die Online Meetings anders vorgestellt und fände dies für die Zukunft auch gut noch ein wenig zu überdenken. Eventuell müssen doch 2 Online Meetings pro Monat (und zeitlich länger) stattfinden, damit einerseits mehr an Wissen transferiert und geschult werden kann und andererseits auch ein Austausch unter den Studierenden gewährleistet wird. Auch für die intensivere Prüfungsvorbereitung - vor allem mündlich - wäre der eine oder andere Austausch mehr noch hilfreich gewesen. Hier tappte man eher im dunkeln, bis zur internen Probeprüfung. Ob es nun an den Prüfungen definitiv klappt, sei noch dahingestellt.

Nadja E. HR Fachfrau
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2021
(4.6) Good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (4.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (4.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)

Mehr Online-Möglichkeiten anbieten und ein Online-Portal erstellen, wo alles geteilt werden kann und auch "Online-Prüfungen" praktiziert werden können, da die eidg. Prüfung ja auch am Computer durchgeführt wird. Einige Dozierende haben sich besonders für die mündliche Vorbereitung sehr für uns Zeit genommen. Bei anderen Lehrern liess vorallem der mündliche Unterricht während Corona zu wünschen übrig. Bücher waren nicht optimal.

Vanessa A. HR-Fachfrau
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2020
  Organisation (3.0)
  Lecturers (4.0)
  Learning content (3.0)
  Training methodology (4.0)
  Infrastructure (4.0)

Helfen Sie anderen Bildungsinteressenten, die richtige Schule / den richtigen Lehrgang zu finden

Unterstützen Sie Bildungsinteressenten bei der Wahl des richtigen Anbieters, indem Sie Ihre wertvollen Erfahrungen als Absolvent/in weitergeben.

Es gibt Stimmen, die diesen Lehrgang nicht mehr an der Wkv Wetzikon besuchen würden. Die Kursleiter waren alles in allem gut. Der Lehrgangsleiter würde sich besser stellen, wenn er seine Unterlagen, welche er als Muster abgibt ins Reine schreiben würde, anstatt einfach alles zu schwärzen was man nicht sehen darf. Dies käme professioneller daher. Aber vielleicht ändert er jetzt gewisse Dokumente oder Inhalte, da er nun mehr Zeit hat, seit er pensioniert ist. Wäre Schade, wenn die Weiterbildung nicht regelmässig durchgeführt werden kann. Denn ich schätze es, dass das Wkv Wetzikon solche kaufmännischen Weiterbildungen in der Nähe anbiete und man nicht gleich in die Stadt muss.

Tina H. HR-Fachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2020
(5.0) Very good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (5.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)

Eher kleine Schule, familiär. Dadurch eventuell weniger Auswahl an Referent/innen. Sympathischer Auftritt

Kathrin U. HR-Fachfrau mit eidg. Fachausweis
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2019
(5.0) Very good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (5.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)

Die Qualität hängt sehr von der jeweiligen Lehrperson ab

andrea K. HR Fachfrau
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2019
  Organisation (4.0)
  Lecturers (4.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (4.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)

Bisher ein sehr guter Lehrgang. Die Dozierenden setzen den nötigen Druck auf, damit das Lerntempo gehalten werden kann. Es hat manchmal doppelte Fragen in einer Frageserie oder Fragen, die im Buch nicht behandelt werden. Mir sind sogar schon Aufgaben begegnet, die mit dem Thema nichts zu tun haben.

Céline D. HR-Fachfrau
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2020
(5.6) Excellent
  Organisation (6.0)
  Lecturers (6.0)
  Learning content (4.0)
  Training methodology (6.0)
  Infrastructure (6.0)

Ich finde ich war zum Zeitpunkt der Prüfung sehr gut vorbereitet. Falls ich Fragen hatte konnte ich jederzeit mit den Dozenten in Kontakt treten. Bis auf das Sekretariat und die z.T. überflüssig gekauften Lehrmittel bin ich sehr zufrieden mit der Schule. Bei den Lehrmitteln sollte man sich besser mit den Dozenten absprechen. Einige Dozenten benützen keine der gekauften Bücher im Unterricht, finde ich sehr schade und rausgeschmissenes Geld. Die selbst geschriebenen Skripts sind sehr gut und reichen aus um den Stoff zu lernen. Da könnte man evtl. das Fachbuch als Empfehlung aufführen jedoch nicht als notwendig. So kann jeder selber entscheiden ob er es braucht.

Nicole P. Fachfrau Rechnungswesen
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2019

Antwort vom Anbieter: anzeigen...

Vielen Dank für die positive Rückmeldung. Ja, tatsächlich ist es schade, wenn Bücher gekauft und anschliessend nicht eingesetzt werden. Gerne überprüfen wir Ihren Vorschlag, die Bücher als Empfehlung anzugeben – selbstverständlich nach Absprache mit den Dozenten.

  Organisation (3.0)
  Lecturers (4.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (4.0)
  Infrastructure (5.0)

Sehr empfehlenswert!

Marcel K. Eidg. Dipl. HR Fachmann
Weiterempfehlung: Abschluss: 2014
(5.4) Very good
  Organisation (5.0)
  Lecturers (5.0)
  Learning content (5.0)
  Training methodology (6.0)
  Infrastructure (6.0)